Aura Scanning
Every living and non-living object has an Aura that surrounds it. Since the time of Vedas, our Sages and Hermits have recognized this and they have said a lot about it. As per their sayings, a glowing circle-type thing of eternal power surrounds each and every living or non-living object like a power cover. Modern scientists have carried out profound research about Aura. Kirlian photography has attained quite a high status. It is depicted that living objects may consist of atleast a layer. This coloured Aura is an indicator of the internal state of that particular man. One’s Aura indicates his, mentality, physical state, immune capacity, and also his nature. As such a mirror that always speaks truth and truth only, nobody can compel it to tell a lie. Likewise by using Kirlean photography we can understand the energies flowing into that house and we can distinctly tell what is happening in the house and what is likely to happen in the future. If we are aware of the energy level of the house then after adopting a few remedial steps we can purify the Aura of the house and the same can be made beneficial for the inmates living there.

Aura of House – Whole universe is working on the basis of exchange of Energy. The base of the process of energy exchange is our Aura (Prabha Mandal). Our own aural environment is the house we live in and on the place we work, a continuous communication of the Auras of the houses of both the places remain everlasting. This exchange appears as vibrations. And in this way this process goes on. If this environment of Aura is of negative type then it leaves a discoloured patch in the Aura of the people living there. If this patch affects the emotional region of the particular person, in that case the person suffers with the emotional problems. Apart from this if it affects any other organ, the organ’s Aura is disturbed and then health problems develop in the particular organ. And thus this process of exchange of energy continues. Our Aura field may be oval or circular and it is layered and these layers effect our physical and moral interaction and thus it plays an important role. We can feel a new peaceful effect on oneself and by this process of exchange of aura energy of self with the environmental Aura, provided the Aura of environment be of positive aspect. A point to be noted here that the area of work of nature is very vast and it is an eternal truth. I have also noticed that the people of same aural level easily come closer to each other. It is also found that the people often intend to marry each other, if they give mutual understanding and a feeling of love with each other then their Auras are capable to communicate with each other and they also balance each other. You can very easily understand this as it happens in your life so many times, suppose you are traveling by train, a co-passenger to whom you have never met before is sitting opposite but he is looking very gentle, you are eager to communicate with him, you are unable to control yourself and keeping your hesitation aside you start talking with him and then you both communicate, it appears that he was also eager to communicate with you but waiting for how to start? Here I mean to say that Auras of both of you are reflecting the same level of energy and there was a positive flow of energy from both the ends. Now look on the other side of the picture a man is sitting opposite to you have never met before. But a feeling of hatred and apathy is developing with in you and you do not like that he should see towards you, what to say of talking to him, oh hell to it? And both of you remain silent. Why it is happening like this? Why the feeling of hatred is developing in you? No previous enmity too is there. At this juncture one is bound to think that the reason of this is non-matching Auras and improper exchange of energy.
Just to understand this phenomenon please peep into your inner side. Try to see inside of you and side by side make a little bit of introspection too. Try to understand your inner voice and then beyond doubt you will be able to understand the flow of energy. It is explained by another example. Sometimes it also happens that as you enter a house a strange felling of uneasiness make you restless and you try to leave that place at an earliest on the other hand on reaching some other house you feel oneness and a feeling of calmness and solace is there, you can sit for hours together. Don’t you feel as to how it all is happening? Then think that this is the Aura’s exchange of energy flow. Let us think rather minutely. Suppose you have a five room house. Often you must have seen that you feel more comfortable in particular room and your sleep is also sound and comfortable. But often due to circumstances if you are shifted in some other room. Then you feel uncomfortable and also your sleep too is disturbed. Why it is so? This is the Vastu defect. This is only due to the non-adjustment of your Aura with the Aura of that house. Now I feel that you must have understood the importance of Aura as experienced by you in your routine life. You know that thumb impression differs from individual to individual. It depends on individual’s own thinking, his spiritual power, effects of his previous life and also of cosmic energy etc, decides this. Normally Aura of a living person spread from 5 to 8 ft. but the Aura of people endowed with divine power may spread over miles & miles together and the people have experienced it.
Negativeness of a ruined home – No one was residing in the concerned home from the last few months. its staircase being damaged eventually got broken. Negative energy was available there. See both picture
Exchange of Aura energy depends on the close relationships and it develops with it. You may understand by this example that often ringing telephone bell gives you an intuition that someone near and dear to you is on the line on the other side, and that too without lifting the receiver.
One more example – sometimes it also happens that you feel uneasiness while talking to a peculiar person. However no uneasiness is there but still you feel uneasy. The fact is that the particular person is trying to suck your Aura. We have frequently observed that the ringing door bell make you aware as to who is at the door. These are all the relations of love and these relations contribute to our Aura. It is a matter of exchange of energy and this exchange goes on.
In common language the Aura spreads colour to our activities. By seeing someone we say that how glamorous his face is, it means that this man has a strong based Aura. Often people say for lovely environment- “I am in pink today”, the pink in Aura is indication of love, dedication and feeling of truth and this all must be due to our inner instinct and often we repeat very frequently a sentence. It was a golden experience-“tell me why the word Golden” is used here?” Golden colour in Aura indicates the high standard of dynamic spiritual energy and it points out the entry of a new energy into oneself. It also point out the permanency of that energy.
Therefore our Aura is influenced by the environment around us where we pass our maximum time. It also remains in contact with celestial energy and is affected by making interaction to it. Apart from this the planets also affect our Aura. It has very well illustrated in detail in Astronomy. The energy emitted by the Mother Earth also effect our Aura. The Aura remains changing from time to time. The main Aural layers always remain unchanged but by our own interaction with the people, we collect a bit of invisible negativity.
The science has fully accepted the truth of Aura. So many equipments have been developed to photograph the Aura. Our Aura can be scanned and now we can see as to what changes are occurring in it from time to time. Now from the digital scan system we can measure the life’s energy. What is its energy level? We can also know the state of our plexuses. Apart from this we can know the ailment in our organs or the ailments likely to develop in the future, in this way, we are able to know the state of our body. Similarly, we can understand the environmental energy level around our house, shop, factory and office etc. and easily assess as to how the Aura of that region and the level of energy flowing in that area.

Separate families being residing in different flats of a multi-story building. Various type of energies being appeared on the outer walls of different flats of this building due to their energy effect.
We can know by Aura scanning as to whether any Tantrik activity is there or not any evil spirit is residing in the house which is playing an important role in absorbing all the positive energy. It can also be seen that after removing the Vastu defects how far the Aura is restored. I have earlier told you that our house is like our body. As you undergo a routine health check up after a time same way after every six months you should treat your home by Vastu Shastri. The logic behind this is that as our body is susceptible to attract problems. Similarly our house is also liable to be attracted by negative energies. It is therefore necessary that after a fixed interval the Aura scanning of the house be done just to check the intensity of negativeness which create problems and we must change our attitude towards the Aural effect of the environment as it plays an important role and nobody can now deny this fact.

Layers of different type of energies being spread in a small chamber. There is presence of positive energy at the center, whereas, the same energy gradually being turning negative. A spectacular photograph projecting an inanimate object.
Self cleaning of Aura of a house
It is a fact that the services of an expert Vastu Shastri is a must for the improvement of Aura of the house but something is there which you can yourself do and positive results will be eroded out. First of all a high wooden “Dehleej” must be placed on the main entrance door. The best woods “Sagaun” or “Deodar” should be used for this purpose. No other wood is required. Any Bio-energy which goes out of the main door and if there is a little height then there is full possibility that this positive energy will remain within the house. The toilet will never be in front of the main entrance, because it unbalances the whole auric region of the house. To remove this defect you can erect a permanent partition. Never keepyour shoes and sandal in the middle of the house because these are made from the dead animal skin and this dead skin discolours the Aura.
Middle part or the center of the house or Brahm sthan is the main center of the energy source of the whole house. The energy spreads from this point in the whole house hence no dead skin be kept there.
Never keep the dustbin in front of the door inside the house. One very important thing is not to keep any dust bin below your work table and if it is to be kept there then see that it is cleaned daily and try to minimize the garbage. One more thing is to be kept in mind regarding your work table, if you work with your right hand then don’t put papers or other things on your right side and vice versa, as it adversely effect your working capacity. Please keep in mind that no window be there behind your chair, if it is so then change the position of your chair to some other place.
There must be a wall behind your chair as it plays an important role in communication between your Aura and the Aura of the environment. It is also to be noted that when you sleep. The higher part of the bed is on your back side i.e. on your head side. This arrangement will also be helpful in coordinating your Aura and the Aura of the environment.
Keep yellow flowers on the main door. If placing of natural flowers is not possible daily then artificial flowers should be kept there. This will make the Aura of your house stronger. If you can make Rangoli in front of the main door, do it, as it energises the Aura of your house.

Flow of warm energy from the place where old item are placed-These are two photographs. The first one is ordinary. In other photograph of ‘Aura’ warm energy is being visible at a specific place whereas, the level of energy throughout the room is absolutely normal. A double ceiling was constructed in the area where warm energy flows, obselete items of ancestors being no more is available there in abundance. Therefore the energy present there is being contaminated.

Flow of warm energy from the place where old item are placed-These are two photographs. The first one is ordinary. In other photograph of ‘Aura’ warm energy is being visible at a specific place whereas, the level of energy throughout the room is absolutely normal. A double ceiling was constructed in the area where warm energy flows, obselete items of ancestors being no more is available there in abundance. Therefore the energy present there is being contaminated.

Different energies being transmitting from the place of worship including few negative and warm energies too. | An emission of Positive Energy from the place of worship. |

A room where a youth had committed suicide a few years back. There was an appearance of negative energy in abundance on walls and floor beside, leaving light penetrating through the window in the room.

This is a stupa of UP state Assembly, Lucknow, Capital of Uttar Pradesh in India, where policies are framed by the legislatures. The level of energy assimilated in its Aura is being assumed to be heading towards positiveness. In this context, the role of nature seems to be miraculous as the members sitting there, however, prefer to ensure the flow of negative energy, but keeping in view the significance of this place, nature is being incessantly exploiting negative energy.

This is an incomplete multi-storeyed building, which is lying abandoned since, seven years. It has been noticed that level of negative energy excessively found to be pervaded here in its ‘Aura’, whereas, level of negative energy is optimum in the adjoining buildings.


A picture portraying emission of positive energy from a tract
The energy emitting from a tract is approaching from optimum to a higher level


A picture portraying emission of p sitive and hot energy on specific area.
On the basis of the advice tended by a Vastushastri, process of boring had been executed at a specific place of a tract, due to which positive energy was being emitting
The tower of Aakashwani which is transmitting sound waves. See that the ‘Aura’ pervaded here is infused substantially by ‘Warm energy’.